Embodying the Love of Jesus: A Call to Love Beyond Words

christian doctrine obeying jesus Jan 31, 2024

As February unfolds, many embrace the month of love with gestures of affection and expressions of endearment. However, amidst the celebration, it's crucial to reflect on the profound wisdom found in the Bible regarding the nature of love. The Scriptures tell us that love goes beyond mere words–it should manifest in deeds and truth.

“Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.” – 1 John 3:18 

This verse underscores the importance of expressing love through action. As we navigate the path to maturity, we tend to be enamored with words, while actions may lag. Constant reminders are essential to propel us toward maturity and help us understand that love is more than words.

The true essence of love extends beyond verbal expression; tangible actions with a genuine motive reveal it. The Lord Jesus exemplified that love is more than words. It is a dynamic force that finds its true meaning in action and truth.

Consider this: The Bible often speaks of God's love. However, the impact of His love is profoundly realized through His actions, especially His act of salvation towards humanity—exemplified through Jesus. The ultimate demonstration of God’s love is when He gave His only begotten Son to save us from our sins.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes 

in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” – John 3:16

Jesus took on our humanity and gave His life on the cross, displaying a love that transcends words. It is the highest demonstration of love and a reminder that God's love goes beyond mere expressions.


Responding to Love by Loving Others

As recipients of eternal life through Christ's sacrifice, we should respond by acting in love towards one another. Our capacity to love others stems from God's love for us.

We love, because He first loved us. If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.” – 1 John 4:19–20 

Our knowledge of God's love enables us to reciprocate that love towards those around us. Loving others becomes a natural overflow of the immense love we have received from God.

To claim love for God while harboring hatred for others is deemed hypocritical. If we love God, it should naturally extend to others—loving God and our neighbor are interconnected commandments. Our love toward God goes beyond mere words and sentiments; it manifests in our actions and interactions with the people around us.

Jesus Himself commanded His disciples to love. In John 13:34, He says, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another."

He also emphasizes the connection between love for Him and obedience to His commandments, as stated in John 14:15, "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments."

Jesus is telling us that we could demonstrate our love towards Him. And one of the concrete ways to do so is by following His commandment to love one another. 

While prayer and worship are vital expressions of our love for God, we can demonstrate it more by adhering to His commandments. Mere declarations of love through words lose their significance if our actions contradict the essence of God's teachings. 


God’s Love Language 

Jesus has specific ways He desires us to express our love towards Him. According to John 14:15, we do so through obedience to His commandments. If we want to demonstrate our love for Him, aligning our lives with God's commandments becomes the tangible expression of that love.

Making it our goal to love one another as Christ has loved us should be central to our Christian walk. Expressing love to those around us is a practical way of demonstrating our love for God. When we love those we can see, we express our love for God, even though we cannot see Him. This realization should provide us with sufficient motivation to extend love to others.

Loving others is not that easy when the people around us are unlovable. Nonetheless, when we hold on to the perspective that our love toward others expresses our love toward God, we find a new drive to love because God is always worthy of our love. This perspective offers a unique opportunity to intertwine our relationship with God and our relationships with those around us. Loving others becomes an act of worship, a concrete manifestation of our love for Jesus.

Our acts of love should be rooted in genuine love for God. Motivation matters—acting in love towards others is meaningful only when our motive is our love for God.

Our ultimate goal is to love as Jesus loves. While this goal may seem immense, we can progress through our sanctification, wherein God works to transform us into the likeness of Jesus. The way He loves should inspire us to express love in a way that goes beyond mere words.


Where Do We Start? 

One way to demonstrate our love towards others and, in turn, show our love to God is through acts of service. Serving others without expecting anything back shows that we are committed to loving as Christ loves.

Our church community is a great avenue to serve others through our ministry. It opens doors for us to reach out to people who need guidance and assistance through community service. 

We can also use our extra resources to contribute to a good cause. Remember, generosity shows sacrificial love when we share our resources with those in need, whether in financial assistance, food, or other necessities. Identifying charitable institutions to support could be a great starting point if we want to help others. 

Additionally, we can extend prayers for other people. It is a great act of love to pray for others, especially those who are experiencing challenges in life. Simply saying, "I'll pray for you," isn't enough; we should take the time to approach God in prayer and intercede for the needs of those individuals we have in mind.

Have we considered extending forgiveness to someone who has wronged us? Reconciliation and forgiveness allow us to extend grace to others and mirror God’s love–representing one of the most remarkable acts of love.

Do we know someone who needs words of encouragement to uplift them in their current situation? A simple effort to reach out to them could impact their lives significantly. Take the time to brighten somebody’s day and make a positive difference by offering support and encouragement.

Putting the interests and well-being of others first demonstrates sacrificial love—the same type of love we received from Jesus when He gave up His life for our sake. It is indeed an act we should mirror in our own spiritual lives!


Are You Ready to Love in Action? 

As followers of Jesus, our calling is not merely to express love through words but to embody the love of Jesus daily to the people around us. Our motivation should be to please God and demonstrate our profound love for Him. While navigating through the routines of the day, let's consider the various ways we can embody the love of Jesus!

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