Faithfulness of Jesus in the Face of Challenges
Jan 01, 2024Being a follower of Christ involves facing numerous trials, both in the Christian life and in service to the Lord. During challenging times, should we lose heart and contemplate quitting? Apostle Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi serves as a powerful reminder for us not to lose heart but to be confident that Jesus is at work, doing greater things in us for His glory.
Paul's letter to the Philippians was written during a time of significant adversity for the church, where it faced increasing persecution. Paul himself was facing perilous situations in his imprisonment in Rome and the news of his challenging confinement could have brought more anxiety and despair to churches across the Roman empire. Additionally, Epaphroditus, whom the Philippians sent to support Paul, had fallen seriously ill.
Rather than succumbing to discouragement, Paul's response in his letter to the Philippians was one of gratitude, joy, and inspiration. In his letter to the church, Paul expresses his thankfulness, offering prayers with joy for how God is working in them.
Philippians 1:3–5: “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now.”
This positive outlook is surprising considering Paul’s circumstance – a testament to his faith in the faithfulness of Jesus. Paul's confidence lies in his understanding of God's nature and character in His role in the church.
Philippians 1:6: “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”
This powerful statement not only reveals God's all-powerful nature but also His faithful character as a crucial aspect of His being. God's faithfulness gives strength and hope to followers of Christ. This unchanging character of the Almighty extends to His promises, salvation, and love.
Confidence in God’s Nature and Character
We often lose heart when we focus on ourselves rather than on Jesus. Often, we become disheartened by looking at our abilities or limitations rather than relying on Jesus. Recognizing His nature and character becomes the key to avoiding discouragement.
In our life’s journey, we should put our confidence in God who is not only all-powerful but also faithful and loving. This provides a source of assurance that enables us to navigate challenges with hope and perseverance. We should acknowledge the character of God and place our trust in His promises.
Navigate Challenges in Our Christian Life
When challenges arise in our Christian life and service to the Lord, shift from personal efforts to reliance on God. Being a follower of Christ requires placing hope in His extraordinary capabilities. Move away from sole dependence on individual strengths. Instead, recognize His faithfulness in leading and sustaining.
In times wherein our resources seem to be limited, we should learn to shift our focus from dwindling provisions to holding on to the limitless power of God. Trust that His provision surpasses material scarcity. Navigate challenging times with profound security and confidence in Him alone.
During trials and hardships, shift from fixating on difficulties to embracing Jesus’ enduring faithfulness. Anchor strength and resilience in His unwavering nature, transforming our response and providing a deeper wellspring of hope.
God Always Finishes What He Has Started
Amidst the trials, we should hold on to God's faithfulness and understand that what God begins, He completes. One of His greatest works happens within the lives of the believers. Philippians 1:6 serves as a powerful reminder of this truth, emphasizing the ongoing process of sanctification, and the ultimate perfection on the day of Christ Jesus.
God's good work refers to the sanctification of believers, the inward transformation that reflects Christ-like character. The phrase "will perfect it" underscores God's faithfulness in completing the ongoing process, with the culmination on the day of Christ Jesus.
The verse in Philippians 1:6 presents a general truth – God consistently finishes what He starts. Examples from creation, Noah's Ark, the Israelites' journey, and the redemptive work from Adam to Christ illustrate God's faithfulness. In various contexts, we can see how God values progress and completion in any work He has started.
This inward transformation in the lives of the church is the catalyst for their godly actions. Paul outlines the qualities of this transformation in his letter, emphasizing real knowledge, discernment, love, sincerity, blamelessness, and the fruit of righteousness.
Philippians 1:9–11: “And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ; having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.”
Paul's confidence lies in what God is doing to the church of Philippians. Even amid extreme persecution or his imprisonment, Paul trusts that the gospel will flourish because of the Philippians' faithfulness. The work initiated by God in them will continue to produce fruit, ensuring the advancement of the Kingdom and God's glory.
One of the fruits produced by God in the lives of the church of Philippians is their generosity. This is proof that God’s inward work is manifested outwardly through good works.
2 Corinthians 8:1–5: “Now, brethren, we wish to make known to you the grace of God which has been given in the churches of Macedonia, that in a great ordeal of affliction their abundance of joy and their deep poverty overflowed in the wealth of their liberality. For I testify that according to their ability, and beyond their ability, they gave of their own accord, begging us with much urging for the favor of participation in the support of the saints, and this, not as we had expected, but they first gave themselves to the Lord and to us by the will of God.”
Being Transformed into the Image of Christ
In the process of becoming more like Christ, we should trust God’s faithfulness, cooperate with His work, and embrace the waiting period. The transformation process is compared to the formation of diamonds – a slow, intricate process that produces something beautiful over time.
In the process, we should acknowledge that we may face moments of hopelessness or impatience. We should learn to love the waiting time, participate in the process, and trust God's faithfulness. Through challenges, we should hold on to God's faithfulness and recognize that He is at work, even in the unseen and seemingly stagnant moments.
Trusting God’s Work During Challenges
When we feel that our service to the Lord has no good result, we should recognize that God is diligently working within us. This may be the time wherein He is nurturing patience and sculpting character in us for grander purposes. Embrace failure as a path to humility, understanding that God’s faithfulness is shaping something extraordinary, preparing you for greater service.
In moments of unanswered prayers, trust God the more. He knows the right time to answer prayers. When waiting for seemingly delayed outcomes, trust God and cling to His faithfulness. His glory unfolds at the perfect time, responding to prayers in a manner that aligns with the best for us. Embrace the waiting with confidence, gripping onto His unwavering faithfulness.
We Can Always Hold on to Jesus’ Faithfulness
Whatever struggle or trial you may be in now, we are praying that you continue to hold on to the faithfulness of Christ. Like Paul and the Church in Philippi, we can always be sure that God’s faithfulness will transform us and enable us to do great works for His Kingdom. We are confident that whatever God has started in you will progress and be completed at the proper time. Greater things are in store for you!
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