Is It Always Okay to Follow Your Heart

Is It Always Okay to Follow Your Heart?

christian doctrine obeying jesus Oct 16, 2023

In today's world, we're often told to follow our hearts in all we do. While that can be great advice in some situations, it's essential to realize that following your heart isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. What's in your heart may not always lead you in the right direction. It's worth taking a moment to reflect on your heart's desires and, perhaps, seek guidance from God to make sure you're on the right track.

How many times have you followed your heart only to end up making a wrong decision? How often has following your heart caused harm to yourself or those around you? Are there moments when following your heart led to actions that went against your moral compass? These are the real-life scenarios we need to acknowledge. Not everything in your heart is necessarily the right thing to do. So, it's essential to approach “following our heart” with a degree of caution and not take it as an absolute rule.


The Heart's Deceptive Nature


Even the Scriptures warn us about the pitfalls of always listening to our hearts. Jeremiah 17:9 tells us that 'the heart is more deceitful than anything else and is terribly sick; who can truly understand it?' It's a reminder that our emotions and desires can sometimes lead us astray, convincing us that something is right for us when, in reality, it may be harmful.

For some, this deception might show up as passionate feelings that lead to unhealthy relationships. It could also be those snap decisions made in the heat of the moment when our hearts take the wheel instead of our rational thinking. Bad decisions, even if fixable in some cases, can leave a lasting mark on our lives. There are times when it's tough to undo the consequences of a bad choice, especially when we've let our hearts lead the way.


Wrong Delights Lead to Wrong Desires


Ever wonder where those unhealthy desires from our hearts come from? Well, it often starts with the things we take pleasure in. If we find delight in things of the flesh, it's no surprise that the desires of our hearts lean in that direction. For example, if we enjoy watching inappropriate content on TV because it satisfies our base instincts, it can lead to a desire for more of the same.

Likewise, if we enjoy the material world and all it offers, we can end up wanting more worldly possessions and experiences. If we take pleasure in indulging in vices with others, we may start craving self-destructive behaviors rather than seeking a more fulfilling life. That's how our sources of delight can shape our heart's desires. So, it's vital to be mindful of what brings us joy and make sure it's steering us in the right direction.


Cultivating Godly Desires Through Right Delight


Ever wondered where your deepest desires should come from? Let's turn to Psalm 37:4 for some wisdom: 'Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart.' This verse teaches us that our hearts should yearn for things in line with God's will.

When God gives our desires, we can be sure they're aligned with His goodness and intended for our well-being. James 1:17 reinforces this, telling us that 'every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above.' So, anything from God won't lead us astray or harm our spiritual life.

But how can we have our desires shaped by God? It begins by shifting our joy from worldly pleasures to finding delight in Him. Think of it like a deer panting for water, as described in Psalm 42:1: 'As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for You, God.' Just as a thirsty deer longs for water, we are designed to find our joy in the Lord. It's the very purpose of our existence – to glorify and enjoy God forever. To glorify God is to reflect His character in our relationship with Him and the world while enjoying God means finding our happiness in Him. True happiness isn't found in material possessions but in our Creator.

Real delight can only come from God, nowhere else. When we take delight in Him, our desires align with Godly values and His kingdom. When our delights are spiritual, our hearts are set on seeking God's kingdom and longing for heavenly treasures, not earthly ones. As Matthew 6:21 wisely states, 'For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.'


Desiring God's Kingdom and Spiritual Service


Have you ever thought about what godly desires look like? Well, they include a strong yearning to worship and serve God. We find the most joy in activities that express our devotion to the Lord. This can take many forms, such as participating in a ministry or making sacrifices to advance God's kingdom. Even when we serve in our churches, no matter the role, we're showing our desire for His kingdom to flourish.

But worshiping the Lord isn't just about what happens on Sunday or singing spiritual songs. It's about wanting to obey God and live a life that pleases Him. Think of what Paul told the churches in Rome: 'present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God' (Romans 12:1). He called this their 'spiritual service of worship' to the Lord.

These are the kinds of desires we should have, not ones driven by worldly desires. To nurture these desires, we must find our joy in one place and one place only – our Lord Jesus. Delight in Him!


How Can We Delight in Jesus?


The first step is to nurture a closer, more intimate relationship with Him. We need to allocate dedicated time to spend with Him. There's a saying that 'time is gold,' emphasizing the importance of using our time wisely and not squandering it on the unnecessary. When we devote our time to the Lord, it signifies His importance and necessity in our lives.

Prayer is a key way to cultivate intimacy with Jesus. It serves as our means of communicating with Him. Think of it as having a heartfelt conversation with your Creator. Through prayer, we express gratitude for the blessings and deeds of kindness He's bestowed upon us. It's our way of showing appreciation. Furthermore, prayer allows us to draw closer to the Lord and deepen our delight in Him, as we can openly share our thoughts and feelings that we might not express to anyone else. It acts as the bridge that connects our hearts with the Divine Creator.

Delight in the Lord is also found through reading His Word in Scripture. If prayer is our way of communicating with God, His Word is how He communicates with us. When we read the Bible, we should regard it as a love letter from God to us because that's what it is! The Bible contains God's redemptive plan for us. As we read, we discover the extent of God's love for us and the beauty of His promises. As the Psalmist beautifully puts it in Psalm 119:103, 'How sweet are Your words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth!'

Another way to delight in the Lord Jesus is by keeping Him in our thoughts and worship Him daily. In everything we do, whether it's our work, daily tasks, or ministry, we can do it 'wholeheartedly, as if we were working for the Lord' (Colossians 3:23). This practice leads us to desire more of Christ in our lives.


Discovering a Deeper Desire for Jesus


The more we delight in Jesus, the more we yearn for Him! Our prayer for you is to explore additional avenues for finding your joy exclusively in Christ. Keep in mind that finding enjoyment in worldly things or indulging our desires can steer our hearts towards wrong paths that may lead to pain and sin. It's vital to tend to our hearts by nurturing the right desires that align with the Lord's will and are intended for our well-being. 

The question we face is, where do you find your delight? The answer is simple: Delight more in Jesus, and desire more of Him!


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