How to Glorify Jesus in the Workplace

obeying jesus Nov 02, 2023

In a week, the majority of our time is dedicated to our workplace, where we labor to provide for our families. Having a job is something we should hold in high regard, as it is not only a means to meet our own needs but also those of our loved ones. Yet, beyond its economic function, our employment can hold a deeper significance when we acknowledge it as a blessing from the Lord, and understand that the way we conduct ourselves in our work can bring glory to the name of Jesus.


During biblical times, when slavery was prevalent, slaves were considered part of the family unit. In this context, Paul, in Colossians 3:22, encouraged slaves to set an example for Jesus by advising them to "obey those who are your masters on earth, not with external service, as those who merely seek to please men, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord." Why did Paul offer this guidance? It was because, even as slaves, Christians recognized one Master, and that Master was the Lord Jesus. Paul underscored this in verse 23, saying, "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men."


In the modern day, slavery no longer exists as an accepted practice. However, we can still draw valuable lessons from how to glorify the name of Jesus in our workplaces. The directive remains for us to obey our "earthly masters," not with a superficial commitment, but with a wholehearted dedication driven by sincerity. We should follow this principle out of our reverence and respect for the Lord.


External Service vs. Sincere Service


We can distinguish between external service and sincere service based on our work habits. External service characterizes actions taken only when we are under the direct supervision of our bosses or when we're being observed. Such actions, however, do not align with what pleases God. What truly pleases Him is our ability to perform our work with sincerity, a trait evident when we consistently excel in our tasks, even when no one is watching.


Furthermore, external service manifests when our work is primarily driven by the desire for public recognition and positive praise from our superiors. In contrast, sincere service reflects our genuine dedication to our roles because we genuinely care for the success of our company and the well-being of the people we serve.


As Christians in the workplace, it is essential to always keep in mind the importance of working passionately and being willing to go the extra mile when necessary. Demonstrating passion, maintaining unwavering commitment, and being reliable are all key attributes that signify our dedication to our work. They stem from sincere motives, driven by our reverence for God, whom we serve above all others.


Work as a Gift from the Lord


To approach our jobs with wholehearted dedication, it is essential to recognize that work is, indeed, a gift from God. In the biblical account, after humanity's transgression, the ground was cursed by God. In Genesis 3:17, it is stated, "Then to Adam He said, 'Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, 'You shall not eat from it'; Cursed is the ground because of you; In toil, you will eat of it all the days of your life." As a result of that curse,  toil and sacrifice are required to sustain our lives and meet our daily needs.


Nevertheless, the blessing from God lies in the fact that He continues to provide the land for us, along with the ability to work and the opportunity to obtain what we need to survive. This is why we can regard work as a blessing and a gift from the Lord. It stems from His divine grace, as He has still furnished us with the means to produce and sustain ourselves. Therefore, it is only fitting that, regardless of our workplace, we approach our duties "as for the Lord rather than for men."


Whether we occupy subordinate or leadership roles in our workplaces, the perspective of work as a gift from the Lord signifies that we ultimately have only one true Master—the Creator of life who bestowed upon us the gift of work.


The Reward of a Job Well Done


In Colossians 5:24-25, the Apostle Paul underscores the concept of a reward for wholeheartedly dedicating ourselves to our work "as for the Lord." He refers to this reward as the "reward of inheritance." Essentially, this implies that Christ will reward us at His judgment seat if we prove to be good stewards of the gifts entrusted to us, including the gift of work. Conversely, if we fail to give our best or neglect the value of the gift of work, we will face the "consequences of the wrong" we have committed.


This concept echoes in Paul's letter to the Galatian church. In Galatians 6:7, he says  "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap." This signifies that our actions, even in the workplace, carry consequences. Good deeds yield positive results, while negative actions result in adverse outcomes.


Thus, in verses 9 to 10, Paul encourages believers, saying, "Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. So then, while we have the opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith."


One of the rewards for our faithfulness in diligently fulfilling the tasks entrusted to us is the sense of fulfillment in the workplace. Few things rival the satisfaction of a job well done. Conversely, unfaithfulness at work leads to feelings of regret, especially when we engage in dishonesty or fail to perform our duties effectively.


Another reward takes the form of growth in the workplace, potentially resulting in promotions or career advancement. The contributions of individuals who invest their hearts into their work are typically recognized and rewarded within an organization. Conversely, those who exhibit a lack of effort or engage in dishonest practices often experience stagnation and may face disciplinary measures.


Most importantly, we must remember that beyond the rewards we receive from our earthly superiors, there are rewards promised by the Lord. This realization provides us with a compelling reason to remain faithful and strive for excellence in the workplace.


How to Start Doing Your Best at Work


Achieving excellence in our work not only benefits us but also brings glory to the name of Jesus. If you're wondering how to begin giving your best effort in your job, here are some steps to get you started.


  • Cultivate a New Mindset: Passion is the key to accomplishing tasks effectively. While it's natural for passion to fluctuate, viewing your work as a gift from the Lord can help keep your enthusiasm consistent. The right mindset can serve as a powerful motivator in the workplace.
  • Develop Healthy Work Habits: It's often said that it takes three to four days to form a habit. Identify positive practices at work that you wish to maintain and be faithful in practicing them until they become habits. For example, arriving early and maintaining a clean and organized workspace can create a productive work environment.
  • Excel in Ordinary Tasks: Regardless of the simplicity of a task, always strive to complete it with exceptional effort. Even mundane tasks, like organizing files, offer opportunities for improvement and efficiency.
  • Stay Organized: An organized workflow makes your job easier and more efficient. Avoid the chaos of disorganization in your schedule, workflow, and workspace. Improved organization enhances your overall effectiveness.
  • Set Clear Goals: Goals guide your efforts in the workplace. Beyond job-related goals, set a goal to glorify God more effectively through your work. Define a clear path for how you can achieve your objectives.
  • Prioritize Continuous Learning: Stagnation occurs when learning stops. Seek out opportunities for growth in your work, and invest in expanding your knowledge and wisdom. Learning is a lifelong journey, and there's always something new to discover.


Glorifying God in the Workplace


Begin your journey toward excellence in the workplace today. Remember, we undertake our work not just for ourselves but for the Lord, and we aim to bring glory to His name. Since our work is a divine blessing, it deserves our respect and commitment. We pray that you continue to honor the name of the Lord wherever you find yourself, including in your workplace. Let's glorify Jesus today!


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