What Do I Do When God Feels Far Away?

christian doctrine obeying jesus Aug 21, 2023

The Christian life is something we can describe as a joyful experience. Our happiness is rooted in knowing who we are in Christ and fulfilling His will for us. However, there are still times wherein we feel sorrowful, and it feels that we are drifting far from our Lord. It is a situation we are all familiar with but don’t want to experience. Thus, one of the most common questions we asked as followers of Jesus is, “what do I do when God feels far away?” 

First, it is essential to remember that our feelings matter because they reflect the situation we are experiencing. It is normal to feel sad at times because that’s part of our being humans. If we have a terrible experience, it is normal to feel bad about it. Thus, we should not feel guilty about our feelings and think we are committing a sin. When we feel God is far away, there’s a reason for it. And we must acknowledge that it is normal to feel that way sometimes. 

Nonetheless, what we feel doesn’t always reflect reality. We may think that God is far away from us, but the truth is that it is a time wherein He is actually working on our faith. It might be a moment that He is making us trust Him more. It is also possible that He wants us to remove the focus from ourselves towards Him. 


Finding Joy in His Word 


In the book of Psalms, David described God’s Word as “honey” in His mouth. He can’t help but exclaim, “how sweet are Your words to my mouth!” (Psalms 119:103) The truth is, we can always turn to God’s Word for comfort when we feel sad. His promises are something that we can hold on to in our lives. Moreover, by reading stories of biblical characters, we can learn how God proved His faithfulness toward His people. 

In the story of Joseph, we read about his brothers' jealousy that led them to conspire and sell him into slavery in Egypt. Despite the uncertainty of his new circumstances, God's favor was evident in Joseph's life. When Pharaoh sought an interpreter for his dreams, God bestowed upon Joseph the ability to interpret them. This elevated Joseph to second-in-command in Egypt, where he thrived in this foreign land. The names he chose for his two sons underscore the truth of God’s faithfulness in his life.


“Joseph named the firstborn Manasseh, "For," he said, "God has made me forget all my trouble and all my father's household." He named the second Ephraim, "For," he said, "God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction." —Genesis 41:51-52


As the predicted famine struck, Joseph's brothers journeyed to Egypt for provisions. It was during this time that Joseph witnessed how God was working through his life for a greater purpose. Eventually, his entire family sought refuge in Egypt and experienced prosperity there. Upon the death of Jacob, Joseph's father, his brothers feared potential retribution from Joseph. However, Joseph came to a profound realization that God had orchestrated his life's events for good throughout his trials.


“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.” —Genesis 50:20-21


Stories like Joseph's offer valuable insights into God's faithfulness amid adversity. In both our moments of trial and triumph, we can confidently rely on God's guiding hand. His steadfast faithfulness consistently triumphs. Therefore, placing our trust in His Word brings about not only assurance but also a source of joy.


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Finding Joy in Prayer


Our study of His Word should always be matched with prayer. It is in our prayer and devotion that we come to know more about God in His Word. It is during our intimate time with the Father that we enjoy our fellowship with Him more. Just take a look at David. He experienced a dark moment in his life but the situation changed when he turned to God for comfort. God has turned David’s “mourning into dancing” (Psalm 30:11). 

Just as David did, we can also pour our hearts out in prayer when facing great ordeals in our lives. We can honestly express our feelings to God. Even if fears or sorrows takes hold, we can openly confide in God about them. He remains a refuge for us, a place where we can be candid about our emotions. 

Furthermore, we can present our petitions before Him. The beauty of prayer lies in the assurance that "if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us" (1 John 5:14). This promise becomes our anchor, offering solace during times of need. As we humbly approach God in prayer, He will address our petitions in accordance with His plan and provide us with the strength to move forward. It's truly remarkable that we possess the privilege of connecting with the Sovereign Creator of all through the avenue of prayer!


Finding Joy in the Body of Christ 


The church, as the body of Christ, is established not just for the Lord but also for its members. It has given us an avenue to worship God with our fellow believers. Also, it has allowed us to be used by God to edify one another through spiritual gifts like counseling, teaching, and helping. 

In Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus, he encouraged them to be “filled with the Spirit.” As one body, they are to speak “to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:18–19).” And they have to do it together for the Lord. This is very much the function of the church. Someone can always say they can pray by themselves, but it is always beneficial to have someone praying with you. Similarly, someone might say they can read the Scripture by themselves, but it would be helpful to have someone teaching them the Word. 

No Christian is called to be alone. But we are called by God to belong. It is through our belonging in His body that we experience edification. It will bring us joy to be a part of people worshiping together as one body in Christ. 

If you are already a part of a local church, take advantage of the opportunity to connect with individuals who are also on a journey with Christ. Invest time in their company and don't hesitate to form friendships. Additionally, consider becoming a member of discipleship groups. In such settings, you can share your own experiences and draw inspiration from the narratives of others. Paul eloquently captured this idea in his letter to the Corinthian church:


“And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.” —1 Corinthians 12:26


If you haven't joined one, you can always seek advice and guidance from your pastor, asking for direction and assistance in connecting you with individuals who can offer support. Don't overlook the chance to discover joy within the body of Christ!


Finding Joy by Serving People


When we set our focus away from the “things that are on earth” towards “things above” (Colossians 3:2), there we would experience absolute joy. We accomplish this in our lives by serving someone with our spiritual gifts. When we help someone in need or minister to those who are weak, we are not doing it for earthly rewards but for eternal ones. 

The truth is that God has “set eternity” (Ecclesiastes 3:11) in our hearts. When we serve others, our act ripples throughout eternity because we do it for Christ. We will be filled with joy from the fact that we are accomplishing our purpose here on earth. In serving others, we will find true happiness. Thus, in his letter, James encouraged the church to “visit orphans and widows in their distress” (James 1:27). And that’s the very purpose of the church—to extend the love of Christ to others.

Do you know someone experiencing a very tough time in their lives? Do you know someone to whom you can extend a helping hand? There is always joy in serving others in love. 

As a member of the body of Christ, you can also participate in various service opportunities offered by different ministries within your local church. Your pastor and church leaders can guide you to a ministry that aligns with your spiritual gifts, interests, passion, or experience. This is a realm where God can utilize your abilities more profoundly within His Kingdom, allowing you to discover greater purpose in your journey as a follower of Christ.


You Can Find God


If you are feeling far from God, it is essential to know that what you feel is normal. The good thing is that God is working in us in these moments, and we can also do something that can make us happy. Read His Word and spend time in prayer. Fellowship with fellow believers. And find joy in serving others for the Lord. 

We hope and pray that you can find God in whatever circumstances you are experiencing right now!


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