Living in Harmony with Our New Self and Heavenly Home christian doctrine Apr 14, 2024

As Christians, our salvation not only secures our place in heaven but also initiates a transformative journey toward a new self. When we accept Christ, we embrace a new identity—one that is rooted in eternal life and reflects the image of our Savior. However, living out this new self in...

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Reality of the Resurrection: Getting the Facts Straight christian doctrine Apr 07, 2024

One of the crucial topics that should be discussed, which holds significant value in our faith, is the reality of resurrection. As Christians, we must be committed to seeking the truth, and we have no other tool to do so than the Word of God.

Why is it crucial to meticulously ascertain the facts...

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Embracing Jesus in Worship christian doctrine obeying jesus Mar 31, 2024

The post-Christmas period often sees a decline in excitement and a return to normalcy. As the holiday festivities wind down, it's common for people to return to their usual routines, and the fervor somewhat begins to fade. As Christians, however, there's a call to go beyond the seasonal...

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Jesus Our Great High Priest characteristics of jesus christian doctrine Mar 16, 2024


In exploring who Jesus is, a good place to start is in His mediatory role in connecting God with humanity. As we reflect on the significance of Jesus as the Great High Priest, may our understanding deepen, and our gratitude for the salvation He provides grow ever stronger.


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Biblical Keys to Building Strong Relationships christian doctrine obeying jesus Mar 10, 2024

Have you ever bought a new device and thought you knew everything about it, only to realize later that reading the manual could have saved you from troubles? It happens more often than we'd like, especially with gadgets. We tend to skip the manual and dive straight into using the device, only...

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God's Perfect Timing: Never Late but Just On Time christian doctrine obeying jesus Feb 04, 2024

When we pray, we eagerly anticipate receiving answers from the Lord. However, times when our prayers seemingly go unanswered lead us to question God's purpose and even doubt Him. Yet, we should recognize that when responding to our prayers, God is never late but just on time. In God’s...

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Embodying the Love of Jesus: A Call to Love Beyond Words christian doctrine obeying jesus Jan 31, 2024

As February unfolds, many embrace the month of love with gestures of affection and expressions of endearment. However, amidst the celebration, it's crucial to reflect on the profound wisdom found in the Bible regarding the nature of love. The Scriptures tell us that love goes beyond mere...

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Unveiling the Secret Ingredient of Discipleship christian doctrine obeying jesus Jan 03, 2024

As Jesus completed His earthly mission and prepared to return to the Father, He left His followers with a crucial task—He asked them to "make disciples of all nations." This mission, known as the Great Commission, has become the driving force behind Christian growth and community-building.

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Faithfulness of Jesus in the Face of Challenges characteristics of jesus christian doctrine obeying jesus Jan 01, 2024

Being a follower of Christ involves facing numerous trials, both in the Christian life and in service to the Lord. During challenging times, should we lose heart and contemplate quitting? Apostle Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi serves as a powerful reminder for us not to lose heart...

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Becoming a Faithful Servant of Jesus: Lessons from the Parable of the Talents christian doctrine obeying jesus Dec 10, 2023

As Christians, we need to embrace the God-given gifts and opportunities that He has bestowed upon us, expecting that we become faithful stewards in His Kingdom. This means we should make the most of the gifts and opportunities we have in this lifetime. When we do so, great rewards will be waiting...

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Finding Comfort in Suffering: Does Jesus Care for Me characteristics of jesus christian doctrine Nov 27, 2023

We all experience troubled times and often wonder how to endure what we are going through. During such moments, questions often arise, like, 'Does Jesus care for me?' Yet, the Scriptures reveal the profound truth of Jesus' love, offering comfort during times of suffering. It's a blessed reality...

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Unlocking the Paradox of Giving: Why It's Truly Better to Give Than to Receive christian doctrine obeying jesus Nov 13, 2023

Giving is something expected of us as Christians. It is a virtue we learn from God, and it is developed within us as we mature in our faith. However, most of the time, it is natural for us to desire to receive something more than to give something. What we need to realize is that not only is God...

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Living in Harmony with Our New Self and Heavenly Home

Apr 14, 2024

Reality of the Resurrection: Getting the Facts Straight

Apr 07, 2024

Embracing Jesus in Worship

Mar 31, 2024