The Art of Giving as Christ Taught: How to Contribute to the Church christian doctrine Nov 08, 2023

As Christians, we are all well-familiar with contributing to the church through tithes and offerings. But have we ever wondered what makes Jesus happier about our giving? In the Scriptures, we will learn how Christ taught about the art of giving and how it lies in sacrificial, selfless acts...

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Jesus, The Light of the World characteristics of jesus christian doctrine Nov 05, 2023

In the of Christian teachings, few concepts are as radiant and profound as "The Light of the World." At the heart of this luminous truth lies John 8:12, a verse that acts as a beacon, guiding us through the intricate maze of spiritual illumination. Join us as we embark on a journey to unravel the...

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Jesus the Bread of Life: Satisfying Your Spiritual Hunger characteristics of jesus christian doctrine Oct 22, 2023

In the bustling streets of Jerusalem, amidst the crowd of seekers and disciples, Jesus uttered words that would resonate through the ages. "I am the Bread of Life," He declared, and with those profound words, He unveiled a spiritual truth that transcends time and space. In this article, we will...

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Is It Always Okay to Follow Your Heart? christian doctrine obeying jesus Oct 16, 2023

In today's world, we're often told to follow our hearts in all we do. While that can be great advice in some situations, it's essential to realize that following your heart isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. What's in your heart may not always lead you in the right direction. It's worth taking a...

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Why Is Jesus Called the Son of Man? characteristics of jesus christian doctrine Oct 04, 2023

In Christianity, no one person has been bestowed with as many significant titles as Jesus Christ Himself. One of Jesus's most significant titles is "Son of Man." This title carries immense meaning in defining Jesus's identity and clarifying his role in the salvation of humanity. As history tells...

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The Truth About Angels: What Are Angelic Beings? Do My Departed Loved Ones Become Angels? christian doctrine Oct 01, 2023

"Heaven got another angel." We often use this phrase to console someone who has lost a loved one. It provides a sense of hope and comfort, suggesting that the person we cherish is now in the heavens, watching over us as an angelic being. However, as comforting as these words may be, there is no...

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The Sin of Ministry Idolatry and How to Avoid It christian doctrine Sep 27, 2023

Serving in a ministry for the Lord is undoubtedly one of the most profound activities we can undertake as Christians. There are various types of ministries, but we serve the same God. Some are called to teach or preach the Word, while others excel in serving others by providing much-needed help...

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Is Jesus the Son of God? christian doctrine Sep 11, 2023

Different religious faiths have varying views on Jesus and His identity. Some regard Him merely as a great teacher or even a prophet, while others do not ascribe any particular significance to His identity. In Christianity, we perceive Jesus through the lens of God's Word. When we examine the...

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What Does a Backsliding Christian Mean? christian doctrine obeying jesus Sep 04, 2023

In various Christian settings, whether it's a local church or elsewhere, we might have encountered the term "backslider." Often, this refers to someone who initially joined a church or ministry but later reverted to their previous ways. You might notice these individuals gradually disappearing...

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Are All Sins Equal? christian doctrine Sep 01, 2023

From the moment Adam and Eve consumed the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, humanity committed its first sin against God. Our nature became corrupted, and death became a stark reality. We feel sin's effects on our mortal bodies and the world we inhabit. Time and again, we transgress...

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Why Is My Church Not Growing? christian doctrine Aug 23, 2023

One of the most discussed issues among evangelicals nowadays is church growth since we are in what many consider the last days. We plan different activities and strategies to attract crowds and crowds of people. Yet, when this is not accomplished, we become disappointed. We ask,  why is my...

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What Do I Do When God Feels Far Away? christian doctrine obeying jesus Aug 21, 2023

The Christian life is something we can describe as a joyful experience. Our happiness is rooted in knowing who we are in Christ and fulfilling His will for us. However, there are still times wherein we feel sorrowful, and it feels that we are drifting far from our Lord. It is a situation we are...

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Living in Harmony with Our New Self and Heavenly Home

Apr 14, 2024

Reality of the Resurrection: Getting the Facts Straight

Apr 07, 2024

Embracing Jesus in Worship

Mar 31, 2024